Impossible to quantify, but interesting to contemplate.


Subject Matter


When you are contemplating the knowledge you need to successfully navigate life, do terms like biology, geometry, sociology, chemistry or comm arts ever enter your mind? Probably not.


Take a quiz.


1. Who fought in the war of 1812?

2. What is the formula for the circumference of a circle?

3. What is the difference between a neutron and proton?

4. Which cell feature is responsible for making proteins?

5. What does the sixth amendment say?

6. The theory of relativity refers to what?


Whether you can answer all, some or none of the questions makes a tiny, if any, difference on the quality of your life. These are concepts we thought about for a split second in school and then were readily and happily forgotten.


The knowledge we need to tackle life is much more practical and straight forward. It falls mostly into three categories: your health, your money and your relationships.


It's odd that no one ever questions the relevance of our school curriculum in light of the fact the information is forgotten almost as quickly as it is learned. And, it is rarely, if ever, knowingly used by the average person.


Conversely, we are starved for information on health, money and relationships because this information is actually relevant to our life.





Short, 30 second reads, to help explain school


The after school activity model is the perfect example of how school should be optional


The true value of a High School degree


Is drudgery necessary


Our feelings about home schooling are paradoxical


Is school a sacred institution or a resource


We are imposing unnecessary drudgery on ourselves


Our best society in our most independent society


The relevance of subjects we've studied for years