Impossible to quantify, but interesting to contemplate.



After School Activities



Look at after school activities as the perfect model for school.


Unlike the first part of your day, it is completely optional, based on actually achieving something tangible and worthwhile, enjoyable and, most importantly, something the kids look forward to instead of something they dread. To add to this, because the children have sought out these activities they are motivated to accomplish them at a high level.


We need to do every day completely like after school activities and scrap all but the bare essentials reading, writing, arithmetic from the experience.


Why are we teaching kids Biology when they want to learn Tennis? That's trading in something that's great for our health for something 99.9% of us never directly think about. It's completely elitist and a trade off we should never make.


School is boring because our kids are being force fed information they don't care about and it's information that's barely essential in helping our life function at a high level.


After school activities are the perfect example of where we can make worthwhile accomplishments, without coercion, disproving the widely held belief that nothing will get done if kids aren't forced to do it.


Along with the traditional sports activities, coding, theater, history, computer programming and a host of other useful things are done after school.





Short, 30 second reads, to help explain school


Why Teachers Can't be Ultimately Successful with the Current School Curriculum


The after school activity model is the perfect example of how school should be optional


The true value of a High School degree


Is drudgery necessary


Our feelings about home schooling are paradoxical


Is school a sacred institution or a resource


We are imposing unnecessary drudgery on ourselves


Our best society in our most independent society


The relevance of subjects we've studied for years








